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CabArchive - reader of cab-archives


CabArchive is reader of CAB (Microsoft Cabinet files).

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Precaution! Right now library provide functionality to extract files only on PHP 7.0.22+, 7.1.8+, 7.2.0 due to bug in previous versions.


Firstly, you need to create CabArchive instance:

$cab = new CabArchive('');

After that you can get list of files in archive:


After that you can get all information about one file in archive:


CabArchive API

All list of properties and methods of CabArchive is listed below.


array getFileNames()

This method returns an array of file names compressed in cab.


object getFileData($filename)

This method returns an object with following fields:


string getFileContent($filename)

This method returns raw file content of $filename. Supports extracting from cab’s without compression and with MSZip compression. LZX compression is not supported.

Works correctly only on PHP:


int|bool extract($outputDirectory, array $files = [])

This method extracts passed files or the whole cab to $outputDirectory.

Supports extracting from cab’s without compression and with MSZip compression. LZX compression is not supported.

Works correctly only on PHP:

CAB Format